The last few weeks I’ve been struggling to setup a testing environment with Vitest for my Nuxt application, for E2E and integration testing. The Nuxt test utils don’t seem to spin up an instance of the Nitro server in your project. This makes testing API endpoints difficult. I’m not a fan of mocking and so wanted to create a testing environment that allowed the testing to follow as close to the real runtime environment as possible.
If you’re looking for a quick solution, check out the existing Nitro Test Utils, for testing the server in isolation.
I still wanted to implement my own solution.
- Start off by NPM installing Vitest, and Nuxt Test Utils.
- Create a new .env.test file in the root of your project. If you’re using the Nuxt environment with Vitest, this file is used for environment variables
- Create & configure the vitest.config.ts
// vitest.config.ts
import { defineVitestConfig } from '@nuxt/test-utils/config'
export default defineVitestConfig({
test: {
environment: 'nuxt',
environmentOptions: {
nuxt: {
Below, I’ve created some reusable testing utils.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you’ve edited environment variables especially for your DB so you don’t use any live databases.
// tests/utils/setup.ts
import { createNitro, type Nitro, createDevServer, prepare, build } from 'nitropack';
import { resolve, join } from 'path';
import { ConnectDB } from '~/server/utils/db';
import { type TestContext } from '~/tests/utils/types';
export async function Setup() : Promise {
const rootDir = resolve(process.cwd(), 'server');
const outDir = resolve(process.cwd(), 'tests/.output')
const nitro = await createNitro({
alias: {
'~': resolve(process.cwd())
output: {
dir: outDir
buildDir: join(outDir, '.nitro'),
dev: true,
timing: true,
runtimeConfig: {
is_test_mode: true
const server = createDevServer(nitro);
await server.listen(3000);
await prepare(nitro);
const ready = new Promise((resolve) => {
nitro.hooks.hook('dev:reload', () => resolve())
await build(nitro)
await ready
const db = await ConnectDB();
return { nitro, db, }
export async function TearDown(nitro: Nitro) {
const db = await ConnectDB();
//Make sure you've changed env variables so you don't accidentally drop a live database
//await db?.connection.dropDatabase();
await db?.disconnect();
await nitro.close();
This code just starts up a dev Nitro server. Some things to note:
- Root directory points to “server” which is where your Nitro project is located in a typical full stack Nuxt project
- If you’re running the tests with Vitest in Nuxt environment, you can pass the runtime config directly to Nitro in the createNitro method.
Here’s an example test.
// tests/server/api/users/get-users.ts
import { describe, it, beforeAll, afterAll, expect, test, vi } from 'vitest';
import { FetchError } from 'ofetch';
import { User } from '~/server/models/users';
import { Setup, TearDown } from '~/tests/utils/setup';
import { SetupTestUser } from '~/tests/utils/user';
import { type TestContext } from '~/tests/utils/types';
describe('Get Lower Thirds Presets', async () => {
let user;
let testContext = {} as TestContext;
beforeAll(async () => {
//Common Setup
testContext = await Setup();
await User.deleteMany();
user = await SetupTestUser();
//Disconnect database connection to ensure thorough testing of serverless functions
await testContext.db?.disconnect();
it('should return user when auth present', async () => {
try {
const token = useCookie('access-token');
token.value = '123';
await $fetch('/api/users/get-users');
catch (error: any) {
expect(false, 'Should have returned users').toBe(true);
afterAll(async () => {
await TearDown(testContext.nitro);
You can run tests using:
npx vitest
Something to note about this type of testing setup. When you now run Vitest it will be on a different process than that of the Nitro server that you spin up.
So, for example, if you were to try to use mocks on the server side they would not work correctly as that server was not started in a Vitest environment. I’m still working on a better way to get the server running in a test environment.
For now, I have been using MSW(Mock Service Worker) to intercept external API calls originating from our Nitro server.
If you add a test mode environment flag to your Nitro server, is_test_mode for example, set to false by default, and just override it in the runtimeConfig when doing your test setup (see setup code above).
Then with a Nitro plugin, you can check for that is_test_mode flag, and when it’s true, run setup code for the MSW.