
I’ve spent the last few days struggling to get Socket.io to work with my Nitro server. Nitro does now support websockets natively, but you can also use libraries like Socket.io. 

I encountered an issue when I implemented the code from the Socket.io’s docs for use with Nuxt. That code works, however I had with the polling fall back due to some Nitro server middleware I had set up. (Skip to see issue)

Here’s a look at how you can implement Socket.io in Nuxt. 

					//  server/plugins/websocket.ts

import { Server } from "socket.io";
import { Server as Engine } from "engine.io";

export default defineNitroPlugin(async (nitroApp) => {

    const engine = new Engine();
    const io = new Server();

    io.on("connection", (socket) => {
        console.log("Websocket Connected");

    nitroApp.router.use("/socket.io/", defineEventHandler({
        handler(event) {
            // @ts-expect-error expects EngineRequest
            engine.handleRequest(event.node.req, event.node.res);
            event._handled = true;
        websocket: {
            open(peer) {
                console.log("Websocket Opened");
                const nodeContext = peer.ctx.node;
                const req = nodeContext.req;

                // @ts-expect-error private method

                const rawSocket = nodeContext.req.socket;
                const websocket = nodeContext.ws;

                // @ts-expect-error private method
                engine.onWebSocket(req, rawSocket, websocket);

You also need to enable the websockets within the Nitro config. Or if you’re using Nuxt, it’s enabled in your nuxt config.

					//  nitro.config.ts

export default defineNitroConfig({
  srcDir: "server",
  experimental: {
    websocket: true,

In my case, I was sending socket requests from a different host than of my front end Nuxt application. In order to establish connection with Socket.io, cors needs to be handled in Nitro. This can be done with on your Socket.io server setup, or with Nitro middleware.

					// server/middleware/cors.ts

export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
    // Set CORS headers to allow access from the frontend
    const frontEndUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'
    setResponseHeaders(event, {
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': `${frontEndUrl}`,
        'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, OPTIONS',
        'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',
        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',

To make a connection with the websocket on our server, firstly, make sure to install the Socket.io-client package. This is different to the one installed on a server.

Here’s how to connect a client to a websocket on your back end.

					import { io } from "socket.io-client";

let socket;

onMounted(() => {
    //Url of my Nitro server
    const serverUrl = 'http://localhost:4000"
    socket = io(serverUrl);

    socket.on("connect", () => {
        console.log("Connected to server");

    socket.on('connect_error', (error) => {
        console.log("Connection Error: ", error.message);

Potential Issues With Implementation

After implementing the code above, I was still having issues opening sockets with my server, especially with the polling fall-back option.

After some digging, the issue was related to a logging middleware I set up in Nitro. This middleware was using the “await readBody(event)” method. This reads the request’s data stream before reaching the event handler we registered to handle Socket.io requests (see plugin code)

Specifically, the highlighted code below has to execute whilst the node request is still readable, as it hooks into the request on(‘data’) listener.

The fix for me was just to add a filter to the logging middleware to ignore requests that contained /socket.io/

					//  server/plugins/websocket.ts

handler(event) {
    // Needs to receive a readable node request
    engine.handleRequest(event.node.req, event.node.res);
    event._handled = true;

Additional Troubleshooting

  • Double check that you have enabled the Nitro experimental feature flag for websockets in the config file.
  • If you’re using Nuxt with Nitro and deploying to serverless platforms like Vercel, you may have issues with websockets connecting (supported platforms). The polling option for Socket.io should still work, though.
  • However, in serverless deployments, you might have issues keeping sockets open if your instance spins down. I solved this by deploying a Nitro server on Railway to handle long-running processes.