
This week, I’ve been diving into some work with mongoose for a side project that I’m building with Nuxt. I found myself needing to return user data with different sets of fields to the client depending on the context.

The best way to do this seemed to be using projections within a mongoose query, and only selecting the fields that were required. The issue with a simple projection is that the results were not type-safe. So, I spent some time to create a function which can do this for me.

					export async function getPickedSchemaData<ResultType, DocType, 
Field extends keyof mongoose.SchemaDefinitionType<DocType>>
        query: mongoose.Query<ResultType, DocType>,
        fields: Field[],
    ): Promise<
        ResultType extends DocType[]
        ? Pick<mongoose.SchemaDefinitionType<DocType>, Field>[] | null :
        Pick<mongoose.SchemaDefinitionType<DocType>, Field> | null
    > {
    const projection: Record<string, 1 | 0> = {};

    fields.forEach((field) => {
        projection[field as string] = 1;

    //Applies the projection

    return await query.lean<
        ResultType extends DocType[]
        ? Pick<mongoose.SchemaDefinitionType<DocType>, Field>[] | null :
        Pick<mongoose.SchemaDefinitionType<DocType>, Field> | null

So this function will accept two parameters, the first is a pre-constructed mongoose query, and the second is an array of fields used to define the projection.

I’ve made use of generics here to make the function more reusable. The code within the function is pretty straightforward. It loops through the fields and populates a record object which is passed into the queries projection function.

In my case I wanted to only return lean queries (This just returns POJO and not the mongoose document object) so I had to again define the expected return types on the lean operation.

You’ll notice there are two possible return types, this is primarily because a “findOne” query is expected to return a single document and “find” query is expected to return an array of documents.

Let’s take a look at how to use this function:

					import { Order } from "~/server/models/orderModel";

export default defineEventHandler({
    handler: async (event) => {

        const query = Order.find().limit(10);
        const typeSafeResult = await getPickedSchemaData(query, 
            ["order_id", "customer_id", "total", "status"]);
        return typeSafeResult;

The second parameter of “fields” is type safe, so if you’ve defined a mongoose model already, then the method knows which fields are valid or not.